Last night we finished our certification for CPR and First Aid through training by the Red Cross.

Even though the First Aid training did not actually involve the Upward Chest Thrust, since that is included in the CPR training, it was still mentioned.

The Nurse stated that Dr. Heimlich has in fact made most of his money by suing people who use his name as part of a maneuver without bothering to check the usage rights with him. (EDIT: Yes, I know, this is a total Myth. But if a Nurse who works for the Red Cross is going to mention it specifically in an official class on this sort of thing...I've got to say it, don't I? *grin*)

The Red Cross now soley uses the term "Upward Chest Thrust" when refering to this method. In hindsight (5 years or more later) one begins to wonder if they didn't just want to have their own copywritten literature about the issue, and so invented their own term.