I also suffer from sleep paralysis. Mine normally occurs just as I am falling asleep. It is as though while I am going to sleep, my brain forgets to turn off my conciousness before turning off voluntary muscle control and my sensory input. The result of this is that I hallucinate, am paralyzed, and hear extreme screeching in my ears. My heart rate also increases greatly. I also suffer from panic attacks. Increased heart rate is a trigger for my panic attacks. Therefore, my sleep paralysis bouts are often accompanied by extreme panic.

It is, TastyNinja, hypothesized that alien abductees are in actuality sufferers of sleep paralysis. I also hypothesize (along with others) that accounts of incubi and succubi and old hags have all also been induced by hallucinations during sleep paralysis.

Some of my hallucinations:
I was having an erotic dream of heavy foreplay with my future husband/lover, and once penetration occured my lover became a demon/satan. At that point, the erotic encounter became a rape while I was paralyzed and could not scream.

I experience the "normal" sleep paralysis, with just paralysis and the screeching noise. But then, I begin to hear whisperings and fire crackling. The whispering voice says, "now we've got her, here she comes, she's ours." I am being pulled down through my bed into a burning rocky chasm that I presume is hell.

I awake from dreaming, to find that I cannot move. At the bottom of my bed is a large, black figure. It is a witch-demon. She is sitting and waiting to slit my throat. As she crawls up my body, I struggle to scream and awake my sleeping husband beside me. Finally, I open my eyes and the witch turns back into a blanket piled high near my head.

I am dreaming of childhood. My old home in Germany. I am playing on the monkey bars when I look over at a trash bin. I get an extreme ominous feeling because I know that Evil is behind the trash bin. I am frozen with terror, the loud screeching screams into my ears, suddenly I am rushing through air and reconnecting with my sleeping body. I am on my bed, but still paralyzed and terrified. Eventually, I move.

Some advice:
If you do suffer from this type of sleep paralysis, I advise you to avoid thinking or reading about the condition. Often times, thinking and reading about the condition will trigger an attack. Also, if you spend too much time reading about alien abductions I have heard that will trigger attacks.

To help end an attack quickly and with the least amount of stress, try to relax. Breathe deeply and slowly. I often try really hard to open my eyes (even though they always feel open already), or sometimes it is wriggling my toes that will do it. Other people have success with wriggling fingers. As mentioned above, when you break the attack, be sure to reposition yourself before falling back asleep to avoid a subsequent attack.

Alright, that's enough from me, or I'll have an attack!