I breakfast on a couple of oranges, and vow to give up oranges until spring is sprung. Later on I scramble eggs with pepper jack cheese, and vow to lay off eggs for a while too. Hard drive in place, operating system installed, I set to reinstalling software (chat clients, Inertnet Exploiter, MS Offal 97) and catching up with e-mail missed over the last few days. There are over 50 spams in my mailbox, which sucks. Jenn Instant Messages me and says she's looking forward to moving in in about 2 weeks. woohoo! She wants to split the rent evenly and use the attic for a den. Fine by me, it's unheated / un-air-conditioned - I would just use it for storage space, if I had anything to store. I shower and pack for an overnighter in South Jersey, playing Warhammer tonight and Palladium Fantasy tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow's snow will be called off so I can make it back to the apartment (it's almost feeling like I could call it "home") safely.