After bedding down early last night, I wake as if it were a weekday: 6:30am. No coffee but my roommate's plain ol' Maxwell House, I'll have to get something a little more rich and flavorful at the grocery store. Node a little, chat a little, solicit name suggestions for ModernAngel's new computer, shower and dress and shopping. At 9:30am ShopRite is busy already. I score some fresh vegetables and tofu in preparation for stir-fry experimentation. I am definitely not turning vegetarian, but I can see where there may be room for the occasional vegetarian meal in a well-balanced, healthy diet...
Mom greets me at the outer door as I'm carrying groceries in, to tell me Dad stopped by to pick up the parking ordinance questionnaire. I missed him by minutes. Groceries remain out on the table as I courier the forms over to Dad's house. He's not home, I let myself in and put them on the kitchen table. I don't want to stay long, there were two GIANT bugs (Scotigera? Scutipoda? "hairy nasty centipede-y") when I stopped by yesterday. As I pass Dunney Park on the way home, the Easter Bunny is taking pictures in the drizzle with local kids.
I slurp down a Fresh Samantha Get Smart! Body Zoomer for a late breakfast, and settle down to some more noding. -And I wonder why the weekends go so fast... A long mid-afternoon phone chat, "stir-fry tech support". Pretty good, although it feels like I should eat some bread or else it's not a meal. By 6PM I am feeling like a nap.