The proclivities
of crocodiles

The sanctimoans
of heretics
the worriers
and hurt-a-bits.

The pejorative
the back-to-fronts
and can't-let-gos.

These are all
our daily work
who will be healed
we shall not shirk.

Jesus Christ
was profoundly slack
he is forgiven
but not taken back

for sacrifice
goes unrevealed
and in this way
you shall be healed.

Talk not of what
you gave and how
but ask yourself
who's giving now?

And if your heart
beats not in grace
be sure that we
will turn our face

away from those
who do little good
while always shouting
others should.

Rise up now
and leave this place
return at peace
to your race

covenant simply
this single thing;
each God a man
each wretch a King