Modern society is sick, and I believe that BDSM is, indeed, on the whole a symptom of it, like a fever is a symptom of an infection. This is because personally, I have a fairly good idea of where my urges to submit come from: My relationship with modern society. I can just about cope with it, 'just about' being the operative phrase.

Let me explain. To illustrate, I'll divide people into three classes. Of course, any division of people into classes is futile in a greater perspective: There are people who divide people into groups, and there are people who don't. But for the purpose of this writeup, allow me to do so.

There are people who can cope: They choose life, to use the Trainspotting turn of phrase.

There are people who can't cope: They choose freaking out, killing themselves, joining the Scientologists or Hare Krishnas. They choose heroin, choose living off a monthly handout from the government, choose a career as an eccentric artist if they've the talent.

And then there's those in between, like me. I can just about hack having control over my own destiny. I can just about hack getting an education, working a 40-hour week, paying the rent, doing the laundry, maintaining an acceptable social life, keeping the house clean, the whole nine yards. But it's hard.

And I like to be allowed to let go for a moment. There is glorious freedom in loss of self-control, as anybody who's ever had a great night out on the town with the aid of a drink or eleven knows. I've known plenty of people who drink 'til they're drunk and smoke 'til they're senseless to satisfy this urge.

Me, I like to be told what to do, to fall under someone's command, to relinquish control, to be someone's plaything instead of my own person. This is how I lose control, and it is safe, it doesn't cost a thing, and I get to please someone else at the same time. It's all good. It is indeed symptomatic of my problematic relationship with the world today, but it is, on the whole, a benign symptom: I really like having someone collar and leash me, talk dirty to me, and come on my face.