A Poem in the Before Choice Disturbs collection

Bottles Like Promises

Rural Town, oasis light dots black macadam,
Cafes, diners None of them are 24/7/365.

Single family houseparty. Suburban rave.
With all the BoBo poets talking about Indonesia and Chile
Wondering why they've never been,

In the kitchen, on the counter: bottles like promises
Of banter
And plastic cup anticipation.

People on the porch. Tight grip cigarettes.
Heady candy cloud. Thoughts spin.
Click, light vapors. Music steering sense.

The box shatters the mood with garish light.
Yank. ...and music unabated.

"Stop looking at the blue-grey TV and start thinking!"

In our circles, bottles tip, pouring out onto the floor.
We witness, wordless: "Do you believe?" "Yes, I believe"
Believing in kitchens, and small towns, and bottles like promises.