I was actually debating on whether or not to leave e2. But now I think perhaps this is something that I can do somewhat statically, as more of a hobby than something to be perfect at. I have a hard time letting myself do something without feeling like I have to be perfect, but hey, it's worth trying for sure; it's always worth doing something if it will cause you to grow as a person, yes?

So, here I am.

Have you ever felt like the biggest bitch in the world, but you can't help acting that way? That's been my experience for the last few days. It's amazing that my boyfriend still sleeps over anymore! There was an unfortunate incident with someone waking someone else up at 6 a.m. in the morning when it was completely unnecessary. But it's made me think that if my opinions are as well-researched as I think they are, then I might as well get something out of it, which made me think "everything2". Hopefully then my inner bitch won't come out in my daily life so much, and I can still state my opinions or write about topics of interest, even if I don't have a class or a reason to do so. I'm wanting to have my cake and eat it too. So three cheers for e2, and here I go...

Let's hope this helps my morning relationships.