Sweet acidophilus is a variety of milk which I grew up drinking. It is low in fat (thus it is not 'slick' like whole milk) and has a slightly sweeter taste than regular lowfat milk. In the Southeast United States, I've found that Sweet Acidophilus milk cartons usually have an orange cap.

Sweet acidophilus milk is also known as "sweet acidophilus lowfat milk" or simply "acidophilus," and was developed at North Carolina State University in the Department of Food Science.

Sweet acidophilus milk is created by the addition of Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria to lowfat milk. Although it is a cultured dairy product, like yogurt or buttermilk, it is not fermented. Instead, it is kept cold so that the bacteria do not grow, but they do stay alive. This particular milk does wonders for digestion (I've discovered that taking two Tagamet or several Tums is no match for a large glass of this milk), and is useful for who are on antibiotics (numerous antibiotics cause intestinal bacteria to vanish or lessen for a while, which causes you even more problems; the acidophilus cultures help prevent this.)

Acidophilus cultures, whether in milk or in topical form, are also useful for preventing yeast infections, diarrhea, vaginitis, canker sores, and can help your immune system greatly.