Making Killer Home Fries - Fast!


Potatoes: Whatever amount you wish, though more than 3 or 4 probably aren't practical to cook at one time. Generally one large baking potato is great for a side dish for one person.

All Purpose Seasoning Salt: Your plain Jane, everyday seasoning salt.

Table Salt

Olive Oil

Also Montreal Chicken Spice can be good if you have any


Sharp Knife

Cutting Board

Large Frying Pan, fairly deep


Paper Towels

Large Plate

Spatula or Wooden Spoon

Oven Mitt


- Slice your potatoes up as fine as you can. (definitely no slice should be more than 1/4" thick) This will make nice little discs of potato, sort of like potato chips

- put the potato slices on to a large plate and place in the microwave. Cook the potatoes on high for about 4-5 minutes per potato (hard to tell you exactly how long- lots of variety in microwave power and potato sizes out there). Generally they should be in for as long as you would cook the equivalent number of baked potatoes. So if you started with two large bakers, put the sliced potatoes in for the same amount of time as you would for baked. You want the potatoes basically fully cooked in the microwave. My oven has a baked potato quick button and that works great for me.

- when the potatoes are close to being done, get out your large frying pan and put a liberal amount of Olive Oil in the pan. When the potatoes are done, put them in the pan and put a bit more Olive Oil over top of them. Stir everything up and turn the burner on to something near high (say about 80% heat for whatever burner you have)

- stir the potatoes frequently as they cook, add in your seasoning to taste- usually enough of the all purpose salt that there is a visible coating on the potatoes (not solid red mind you). Use your plain table salt to taste- though if you're not a salt fanatic you might just want to add this after.

- keep stirring the potatoes fairly frequently until they are done- they will turn brownish. You can cook them until they are crisp if you'd like. The best thing is to try one and see how you like it. Careful! It's hot.

- Put a couple of paper towels on a plate. Once the potatoes are cooked spoon them on to the plate. Put some more paper towels on top.

- serve hot and enjoy!