Some of us stay inside, fearing coronus
One, once alone, went and wrote him "King Lear"
Some of us stay inside, sayings it's bogus

It matters, the truth, it matters its tone is
Stark-raving mad as a Shakespearean seer
For the Ides we're inside, fearing coronus

Sometimes we must set aside pathos for logos
And let Death come near to those whom it's near
Long as we stay inside, saying it's bogus

The Eastern Horizon, its Great Searing Onus
Demands that the days of our lives while we're here
Are not spent inside, fearing coronus

We know to resist when they try to control us
We plug the news soft and snug in our ear
We know what the statesman states is pure bogus

Now comes the time for the capable grown-ups
They'll tell us what's what. But now that they're here
Some of us stay inside, fearing coronus
Some of us stay inside, saying it's bogus