midday migraine dementia

pain, want to sleep, lying on side, sweating, pain, smells, sweat, pain...

pain, want to sleep, too bright, nice and dark, too bright anyway, lying on my bed,
    standing up, looking around, somewhere not sure, have pretty zebra-striped skin, oh look, my feet are so cute like that, that mirror right there, my muzzle, i have such cute quills too...
pain, i'm floating, my head is in a vice, i'm asleep but awake but not hypnagogic...

peanut butter. peanut butter, peanut butter, peanutbutterpeanutbutter. three-toed tree trog! three-toed-- (Magenta, be zippy!)

pain, want to sleep, drenched in sweat, take off my shirt, it is wet, pain, pain... where am I? I'm in--
not new york, not hong kong, can't be in las cruces, too much pain for that...

my head is in a vice.