R2-D2 the true agent of the Dark Side.

true as it may be that the loveable atromech driod is one of the favorites of Star Wars fans across the globe. The release of Star Wars: Episode I, The Phantom Menace has revealed R2-D2's (often) unintentional malevolence.

  • In his first appearance R2-D2 saves the Queen's ship from capture by the Trade Federation. This allows Queen Amidala to arrive safely on corucant where she successfully dethroned Chancellor Vallorum, placing the ambitious Senator Plapatine at the head of the Galactic Senate

  • It Was R2-D2 who aided the young Anakin Skywalker safely in an attack against the Trade Federation, Anakin, of course would grow up to become Darth Vader

  • R2-D2 aided in the construction of the Pod Racer whose capabilities allowed Anakin to win the Boonta Eve Pod Race. This allowed Qui-Gon to free Anakin and deliver him into the hands of the Jedi.

I am sure as the prequel trilogy progresses we shall see more evidence of how R2-D2 aids both Palpatine and Anakin rise to power, bringing about the downfall of the senate and the existance of the Galactic Empire.
Roninspoon: While I respect your observations I have but one film upon which to make observations. I am sure by the end of Lucas' Prequel Trilogy My list shall equal yours. I could be that R2-D2's live shadows that of Anakin Skywalker's, and his actions in the original trilogy are an attonement for his prior misdeeds.