From: The Thorough Good Cook

Poultry: 1. Pigeons a la Crapaudine.

Pick the pigeons, cut off the claws, truss them with the legs inwards, and then with your left hand press on the breast, and scollop one half of the flesh of the breast; turn this down on the table, flatten it with your knife, dust it over with salt and pepper; break the yolks of two eggs into a plate, brush the pigeons all over with them, then dip them into crumbs of bread, next into melted butter, then into crumbs of bread again, which you level as smooth as possible. Now broil the pigeons on a slow fire, that they may get thoroughly done without being burnt. , Ascertain when they are done enough by thrusting the point of your knife into the fleshy part of the leg. If no blood issues, then they are done. Serve under them an Italian Sauce, or some rich gravy. Your sauce may be prepared in the following way: Chop a dozen of shallots, and put them into a stew-pan with two spoonfuls of vinegar; boil them till there is no vinegar left; then put in a little broth or gravy of roast meat, with raspings of bread, salt, pepper, etc. Let this boil for a short time, pour it over the pigeons; and send up hot.