Fled user rax has a number of excellent writeups on card games including Cribbage and Gin Rummy. The trouble is, they're not his. They are copy and paste writeups from online gaming sites arount the Internet.

  • Cribbage - www.funisland.com/games/board_game/cribbage/howtoplay.html
  • Gin Rummy - www.iplay.net/games/gin_rules.htm (and three other sites!)

My dilemma: It's useful content, but it's total copy and paste. Leave it, or nuke it?
Update: A new Cribbage was contributed, so I killed rax's writeup.

Sunday May 6: it was pretty quiet so I mopped up a lot of nodeshells, in addition to the usual title edits, etc. I also marked the new writeups pee bee by Communista and Why do some noders have more XP and less write-up than they thought? by Pogo for the nightly purge. The former was home node stuff, the latter based on a misapprehension about how XP works. See Voting/Experience System for the straight goods.

Saturday May 12: What's up with joke node? Is the joke that it's not funny? I don't get it.
/msg Peej FYI, I mercy killed "maps" (-4). By convention we node only the singular (which you also did anyway).
/msg tremere Please explicate your lyrics if you're going to node then, or at least hard link creatively.

Marked some of justfred's writeups for destruction, after that noder apparently decided on pulling an Asamoth.

Sunday May 13:

/msg bludstone Hi. Re:Squarepusher The top 2 writeups are by fled users. Can you make one w/u that includes that info? Then I can kill the redundant writeups. Please let me know.
/msg bob_the_cow Hi. I'd like to take geek vs hacker out behind the barn and shoot it. You're the only 'live' noder with a writeup. What do you say?

Week of May 14: After a serious attempt to rehabilitate provolone was forced to lock the account. I note that many other variants including provoloneotron, provolone? and provolone! have briefly visited our shores. Starts out nice every time, then wigs into full troll mode. Sigh.

Week of May 21st: Every day I log in and kill one of my own writeups. There are lots of substandard ones to pick from. I will keep doing this until the muses return to me, or I run out of writeups. Started with: 1186 writeups