If anything has gone right for me today it's either the
stuff that's too big to notice (like I'm still breathing-which I'm not sure is a good thing, or the astroid hasn't happened yet) or to insignificantly small (like the microbe that would have ripped apart my spleen had died cause the virus that I just had delt with or am dealing with decided it made good lunch).
Really, I had the whole day (week really) planned out, with lovely times spent with lovely peoples, work was going fine, the car, the computer, - voice mail was the last thing on my mind...but it used to work...
First off, after the less than steller night I had yesterday - working late...missing all my friends when I had planned to see them...etc...
This morning - sleep right through the alarm...get a wake up call from a friend who I missed yesterday and planned to see today telling me she might not - she wants to go see a band with another friend in it - maybe. Anyway she didn't think I'd be home and that caught her off guard...but having been sick previously, the extra sleep won't hurt me and is a great explaination...that and I planned on a half day of work anyway...She really didn't expect me there at all...I wonder...Odd...very odd...so I get ready for work.
I get to work - just in time for lunch. That actually goes well and back to the office where the two minor code changes I implimented in my function - failed miserably...things couldn't survive simplest of tests. Debuggers wouldn't help me see these errors...Frustraiting as can be. Then more paprework needs to be done...NO!
Let me finish my code, then the paperwork, damnit. Let me do something USEFUL!!
Then I catch the time...I need to check my voicemail - to see what's up for tonight...busy...back to work...About 30 minutes later...busy...back to frustrations with malloc and free...and dereferencing pointers...try voicemail...busy...call home, just to check...busy...weird!
More work, more pointer/malloc errors...yuch...frustrate myself completely...want to kill (an expression, but...how do you kill code? (rhetorical/sarcasm))...check voicemail...busy...DAMN!...busy...ARGH!...busy........
Just leave early - relax...go home...then I get stuck in traffic! FOR THE LOVE OF ANY GOD! NO!
Just about a forty-five minute session of the least patient experience I ever have in my life swearing at any SOB who cuts me off...my car starts the whining, high pitched, whirring noises...Yes my druges, it gets worse!...
After I'm home I call the lovely lady I do so enjoy spending even a trifle of time with (this actually applies to many people, but I called the one with whom arrangements for some shared activity might be enjoyed)...busy...
I try my voicemail from home...busy...I call the operator...ring...ring...{much discussion about voicemail problems and the two days (!!!!) they will need to have it fixed}...
Just maybe her cell phone...ring...(yes!)..."(groggy voice:) hello?"...yes my hopeful friends and interested readers...she is sick...
And now I have all this pent up frustration from a day of miserable madness...and I need to release this energy...I need also to decide what to do for dinner...And hope my insurance covers food poisoning...