Bronchial Asthma is characterised by shortness of breath, a dry cough, wheezing and tightness in the chest, caused by an inflammation or swelling of the
respiratory canals. This disorder is found in 3-5% of adults and 7-10% of children. Half of the people with asthma develop it before age 10 and most develop it before age 30. Asthma symptoms can decrease over time, especially in children.
Bronchial asthma can be classified into two main types: Extrinsic, in which an allergy (usually something inhaled) triggers an attack, and Intrinsic, in which there is no apparent external cause. The most common allergens responsible for extrinsic asthma are pollens, house dust, house dust mites, animal fur, feathers, and dander. Extrinsic asthma may also be triggered by a viral or bacterial respiratory infection, exercise (especially in cold air), tobacco smoke, other air pollutants, or by allergy to a particular food or drug. Asthma can also be caused by an allergic reaction to aspirin.
Exercise Guidelines for Asthmatics
- Asthmatics should carry a bronchodilating inhaler with them at all times and use it at the first sign of wheezing or tightness in the chest
- Exercise intensity should be kept low to start with and gradually increased over time. If the intensity is too high it may bring on an attack
- Reduce intensity if asthma symptoms occur or are made worse
- Using an inhaler several minutes before exercise may help to diminish the possibility of attacks
- Asthmatics should drink plenty of fluids before and during exercise
- Asthmatics should try to avoid exercising in extreme environmental conditions (high or low temperature, high pollen count, heavy air pollution) wearing a facemask during exercise may help to keep the inhaled air warm and moist and may minimise asthmatic responses
- Only stable asthmatics should participate in exercise
- If an asthma attack is not relieved by medication, the emergency services may need to be called as it can kill in a small percentage of cases.
- Asthma is usually treated by Ventalin, a short-term cure to prevent inflammation taken through an inhaler. Beckatide is long-term cure drug. During an attack, the sufferer should try not to panic and attempt to control their breathing.
Taken from (my own site) from where it was originally written from a variety of sources