The male/female ratio in matriarchal societies (or, as in our case, societies which were once matriarchal) can be reversed from the Western norm in some fields.
For example, in the Philippines, where wives and mothers are expected to handle the family's finances, females consistently score better in Mathematics than males.
This means that in Math, Statistics, or Computer Science courses, we actually have more women than men. I remember when I was still an undergrad (early 90's) that there were only five boys to fifteen girls in our CS class. Looking over this year's freshman orientation (nearly 200 students), we've got almost the same ratio - 75% female, 25% male.
This doesn't spill over to the "manly" courses of Engineering or Physics, though, where the ratios follow those given above.
I'm just thankful that our women didn't grow up believing "Math is hard!"...