Québécois author, born in 1941 in Saint-Félix-de-Valois.

Major author in the québécoise litterature, eventhough he was first published in France (Gallimard). He is a very secret man, who never appeared on TV, which is opposing him to another great québécois author, Michel Tremblay, who never miss chance to be seen on TV. Also, the only picture known of Ducharme is an old one, when he was in college. He may have been in the Royal Canadian Air Force, and he may have travelled hitchhicking through Canada, USA and Mexico (according to what he wrote in the preface of his novel L'avalée des avalés.

Very good at playing with words, his novels are always full of puns. All his novels are kind of the same story, about a mature kid that does not understand anything to adult world. Ducharme has some kind of fascination for childhood, which make people say that he suffer from the "Nelligan's syndrom".

Ducharme also wrote some plays, poetry and song in his early years, notably "Lindbergh" for Robert Charlebois.

Famous novels from Ducharme are L'avalée des avalée, Le nez qui voque and L'hiver de force.