antiorp is a very special person, actively doing terrorism in newsgroups and mailing-lists, in a kind of social art composed of messages in a strange language, mix of english, french, german, logical and programming operators, sometimes even managing to be on-topic. (for an example, see antiorpism)

antiorp appears to be a she, nowadays named Netochka Nezvanova (nn for short, from Dostoevsky) and living in New Zealands. (I got two independant report of this)

One thing worths noting is that she can make her language very understandable when needed, for example when asking about programming infos or advertising for her video manipulation softwares.

This person is coding a few strange sound and image synthesis programs for macos or Java, producing industrial music, (one album, krop3rom || a9ff v.0+2) and creating a few intriguing websites, like, or pages on

names used, by order of appearance:

  • cw4t7abs
  • a9ff
  • f1f0
  • integer
  • nn
  • ...

mailing lists concerned:

  • music-dsp
  • nettime
  • infowar
  • MAX (from which antiorp got kicked off by vote)
  • lev (live experimental video)
  • soundhack
  • pd-list
  • /55\
  • ...

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