She Who Breathes Night Air

Some months ago, now, I went for a walk in the moonlight. I intended it to be just that. I was enjoying the cool night air, the moon was full, and I was on my way to a drag show. I was a little stoned and a little drunk, and the walk across town alone didn't seem very far. There was a strange portent riding on the breeze that night. I could feel the moon shining out, from underneath my skin.

I sent two text messages to my best friend, who lives some 400 miles away these days.

I went walking in the moonlight and I swallowed the moon.
I only meant to breathe the night air.

I walked around all night feeling as though I had swallowed the moon. I felt radiant and invincible. I felt blessed by a goddess I had only half believed in.

Two weeks later, I sent my friend another text message.

Something is about to happen... Can you feel it?
And in another two weeks,
There's a seamonkey in my uterus!