Cruise Director (me): "Ok people, let's get it together!"
By the way, "K" is a really bad alliteration. And anyway, it's Kind Keen Kleptomaniac Kalon
A strange thing happened to me today. I was sitting at work, stressing about the crashed boxen and incompatible router and switch I had to have fixed, when my phone rang.
I.T. Services, this is
"K**** is it? It's Simon from Everything."
(brief microsecond of puzzlement of who the hell it is)
"Simon! How are you! You tracked me down did you! ..."
Well, simonc has pretty much said it all - we of the great Down Under, Sydney, Australia are having one of those little get-togethers that we Everythingians are so apt to do.
- Yum Cha - Kam Fook's Sharks Fin Restaurant - 10am. Da bomb for lightly fried parcels of goodness.
- Much Groaning and Holding of Stomachs - Outside Kam Fook's - about 3 hours later (we Sydney Everythingians know good yum cha when wee taste it). "Man I am never going to eat that much EVER again, hey is anyone else hungry?
- Dodgy Software Buying Spree - Secret Chinatown Location - 1pm. We're in Chinatown. Why not?
- A Quick Drink - Bridie O'Reilly's - 1:15pm - Corner of George and Hay Streets. A Kilkennys for sure. Wash down that yum cha and prepare for the frivolities!
- Dance Dance Revolution - Galaxy World in George Street Cinema Strip - 2pm. Because we can't dance, can't sing and can't care what people think...
- Bus to Dee Why - Sydney Town Hall - 3pm. No really, I know what I'm doing. Maybe in a car or two if we are mobile.
- Futuristic laser entertainment - Zone 3 - 4pm. My good friend Luke will get us in. And oh yes, it will be fun. TRUST ME!
- Bus to City - Dee Why bus terminal - 7pm. It wouldn't be an E2G2G without a drink and game of pool at...
- The Underground Bar - Corner of Pitt and Park - 8pm. Ahh yes, the paint fumes. The bad music. The lousy wait staff. The plentiful alcohol. THE PENGUIN NEVER PAYS!
- Somewhere else - Elsewhere - MUCH later. Ok, we play it by ear - trivia anyone? - I have stuff to do in mind... but can't work up the steam to node it...
And yes, the name is a pisstake on those mad American nodes for their get togethers.....
social director, it is my duty to arrange the
fun and games. And oh yes, there will be merriment and enjoyment all 'round.
SegaWorld beckons.
Snooker World has closed, but there ARE plenty of 24 hour pool places open in the city....
And a bit of a surprise has been organised. Details are available from me, just drop a /msg to me...
Update: SegaWorld no longer beckons - thanks to
kessenich for informing me
The Harbour City now has over 7000m
2 of useless and previously
arcade games-filled floor space.
HOWEVER - If we have the time, impetus or motivation, Zone 3 - team based laser games - awaits in the far north of the city - DON'T WORRY GALS AND GUYS, I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!
Also, midnight runs to The house of Pi(e) can be organised...
Full ship's complement:
Captain: SimonC
Cruise Director: Kalon
Technician: Freaek
Galley Commander: Sneff
Navigator: de-frag
Honourary Gorgeous Model Stranded on Ship: Trina
Ships Doctor: alex.tan
Anaesthetist: lignocaine
Crewmember yet to be assigned: (better than the suggested Ensign Killme) Gemini