The lines:
Six at the bottom means:
If one does not perpetuate the affair,
There is a little gossip.
In the end, good fortune comes.

Nine in the second place means:
One cannot engage in conflict;
One returns home, gives way.
The people of his town,
Three hundred households,
Remain free of guilt.

Six in the third place means:
To nourish oneself on ancient virtue induces perseverance.
Danger. In the end, good fortune comes.
If by chance you are in the service of a king,
Seek not works.

Nine in the fourth place means:
One cannot engage in conflict.
One turns back and submits to fate,
Changes one's attitude,
And finds peace in perseverance.
Good fortune.

() Nine in the fifth place means:
To contend before him
Brings good fortune.

Nine at the top means:
Even if by chance a leather belt is bestowed on one,
By the end of a morning
It will have been snatched away three times.

Previous: Hsu, Waiting (Nourishment)
Next: Shih, The Army