The lines:
[] Six at the bottom means:
It must be checked with a brake of bronze.
Perseverance brings good fortune.
If one lets it take its course, one experiences misfortune.
Even a lean pig has it in him to rage around.

() Nine in the second place means:
There is a fish in the tank. No blame.
Does not further guests.

Nine in the third place means:
There is no skin on his thighs,
And walking comes hard.
If one is mindful of the danger,
No great mistake is made.

Nine in the fourth place means:
No fish in the tank.
This leads to misfortune.

() Nine in the fifth place means:
A melon covered with willow leaves.
Hidden lines.
Then it drops down to one from heaven.

Nine at the top means:
He comes to meet with his horns.
Humiliation. No blame.

Previous: Kuai, Break-through (Resoluteness)
Next: Ts'ui, Gathering Together (Massing)