Everything Day Logs Yesterday | Tomorrow
New Nodes: [murder-suicide] [Fortune cookie says:] [Smokey And The Bandit] [Richard Sherman] [Robert Sherman] [Francis Scott Key] [Pentagram] [murder-suicide] [why don't you do drugs?] [submission is a gift, give it to your lover] [Howard Ashman] [Savior of the Frogs] [Catastrophic Earth Changes] [Dam] [Obedience to Authority]
Users Online (55): [Tem42] [Uberfetus] [themusic] [ophie] [ShadowLost] [Orange Julius] [thefez] [ailie] [Electricsound] [Wintersweet] [dann] [icicle] [Archetype] [Kit Lo] [7Ghent] [proj2501] [VT_hawkeye] [--OutpostMir--] [mcc] [tribbel] [TaintedTex] [stand/alone/bitch] [id1984] [srkorn] [StopTheViolins] [jeremy f] [Wuukiee] [perdedor] [derc] [Ater] [Ads] [slappyjack] [jes04] [lawnjart] [swifticus] [girlotron] [godling] [dharmaraja] [Whywait?] [Brain] [Crux] [pigpoo] [Sirius] [Chihuahua Grub] [Bob9000] [mikl-em] [nightcoder] [mistero] [wyv] [danlowlite] [Clone] [narzos] [TinCanFury] [knowledge_is_power] [MilTan]
JeffMagnus node count: 4040 (1 new since August 28, 2000) JeffMagnus experience: 9570 (2 more since August 28, 2000) JeffMagnus experience to node ratio: 2.369 XP per node JeffMagnus nodeshare: 0.603% JeffMagnus node of the day: what will occur the day after Windows NT becomes open source