Yet another health food craze. Wheatgrass juice is the result of processing the young shoots of the Red Wheatberry plant and extracting the juices from them. It is, like all similar products, rumored to do pretty much everything: antibacterial and can be used inside and outside the body
...rebuilds the blood stream
...gets into the tissues and refines them
...improves blood sugar problems
... neutralizes toxins in the body
... helps purify the liver and wash drug deposits from the body
... prevents tooth decay, helps with tooth pain and strengthens the gums
Refines tissues? Whatever. Drinking it is probably harmless, but all the pseudomedical information you can find about it on the web or in your local health food store is sketchily backed up by the infamous "studies where x has been linked to y", if backed up at all. Everyone wants a WonderDrug. Wake up, people, there is none. The American Medical Association says not to take vitamin supplements. They don't say that they think they are unnecessary, they say do not take them. If you aren't getting the vitamins you need, then you had better start eating right in the first place. Aside from that, vitamin overdoses have actually become known due to fools scarfing down incredible amounts of vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, whatever.

I confess, I don't understand health food crazes at all. I've always figured that if you eat a proper diet (that means making a bean salad and eating a mango or two instead of ordering pizza one night out of the week), you'll be fine. The media-induced mass hypochondriasis (paranoid concern for one's own health) the US is experiencing is somewhat humorous but at the same time kind of sad, as people race to throw their money away on the next wonderfood.

List of wheatgrass juice benefits taken from I have seen this list on fliers at smoothie joints, certain ads, and other contexts.