Legend of the Five Rings...
Also known as the Ninth
Kami of
Rokugan, and He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, Fu Leng is filled with hatred towards the eight of his siblings who escaped from Lord
Onnotagu's belly. Having fallen into the spirit world, he was driven mad by the dark whisperings of
oni, but gained powers far beyond the reaches of his brothers and sisters. When he encountered the other eight kami in the first days of
Rokugan's history, Fu Leng was the master of a horrible army that seemed as if it would crush all of
Rokugan beneath its power- until
The Seven Thunders met him in combat, and sealed his power away in the
Twelve Black Scrolls.
Fu Leng would next appear in the body of
Hantei XXXIX, possessing the child Emperor already weakened by the careful poisonings of
Bayushi Kachiko. He first revealed his power in a short confrontion with
Hida Kisada that left the Crab with the Ancestral Sword of the Hantei in his gut. As each of the Twelve Black Scrolls opened, Fu Leng became more powerful until the climactic battle with his brother
Togashi that left the Dragon dead and his protege,
Mirumoto Hitomi, clutching
The Twelfth Black Scroll in her hands. When it was opened, Fu Leng's power was complete- but he was also completely bonded into the mortal body of
Hantei XXXIX. In the following battle with
The Seven Thunders, he was slain, his
decapitated skull eventually recovered by his minions.
While Fu Leng himself is dead, the
oni and his corrupted soldiers march on from the
Shadowlands, knowing in their blackened hearts that they are the true rulers of