I am in a dark place. It is vast, and very dimly lit. I can just make out the edges of the walls, and they seem to curve off towards infinity. The whole thing is one huge chamber, and I am standing on a ledge looking down into and over it. There is a slight wind, coming from the right. I can feel my mind talking to someone, I am bargaining over something, this being is dark and huge, and in the darkness, I can't see them. I don't know who or what it is, but it wan't something from me, and I can hear myself considering it's offer before refusing. There is menacing hatred from it, but my refusal seems to hold. I realize that there is no way out of the darkness, and that I am trapped there with this thing, I could give it what it wants and then I would escape, but I have a feeling that what it wants isn't mine to give. There is no sense of fear, just a cold sense of despondency. A knowledge that I am in a dark place, with no way out, and that I will have to get used to it. Then I realize that there are no light sources in the huge chamber.

Where is the light coming from?

For the first time I move, and the dark thing moves as well, I turn around and I see a doorway with a corridor leading to a light. I realize that the cavern is empty and I have been speaking to my own shadow. I walk into the light, and the dream ends.