This morning I was awoken by the sound of someone yelling out on the street. It sounded like giberish to me. Lots of loud, excited, yelling... but none of the syllables seemed to meet up to form words. Then I heard a noise like banging... someone with a stick banging on something? My car?

At this point, I'm still somewhat groggy. Things never really make sense to me the first 10-15 minutess I'm awake. In my mind, I see this lunatic taking a stick to my car... beating it, and happily blathering away all the while.

But, I was really too out of it to worry about my car at that point. I got up, made a trip to the bathroom, then came back to look out onto the street. No one.

It's very likely I dreamt the yelling and banging noises. Or that someone was yelling and banging on something, and I just incorporated it into my waking dream.