Calypso - 'Ulysses' - James Joyce

8-9 am
'The House'
Molly Bloom - Calypso
Leopard Bloom - Ulysses
Dlugasz - The Recall?

-- Kidneys (organ)
Art/Science: MYTHOLOGY

Actually, most readers will find this part a relieve, and
the 'language' is starting to mature. Bloom is moving in,
out, up and down, basically preparing Molly's breakfast.
Bloom decides to run to Dlugasz to buy Pork kidneys.
Isolation is 'key' here: Bloom finds out
that Molly has an affaire with Boylan, but
doesn't speak about it loudly and accepts.
He's also a Jew without a homeland, and Molly doesn't
seem to understand his 'articulated' language.
In between you'll find a reference to Hermes (the messenger
for Calypso to release Ulysses) and striking
similar 'weather conditions' in previous chapters.