Finarfin is the third and young son of King Finwë of Eldamar, ruler of the Noldor. He and his brother Fingolfin were children by Queen Indis, the second wife of Finwë. Their half-brother Fëanor wrought the Silmarils.

Finarfin, of Noldor descent, married a princess of the Teleri elves, Earwen of Alqualondë. Like his brothers, he initially vowed vengeance against Morgoth, who had stolen the Silmarils. He later refused to sail from Eldamar to Middle Earth however, after Fëanor slaughtered many Teleri elves to steal their ships. The Teleri were kinsfolk of Finarfin’s wife, and following the massacre, he refused to take any further part in the campaign. Later, he repented these words, and at the end of the First Age he played a key role in the War of Wrath against Morgoth. His death is noted nowhere in Tolkein’s works, and as an immortal elf, it is likely that he reigns on in Eldamar over his people.

Finarfin is perhaps most famous for his children; though all his sons were killed in the War of the Jewels, his daughter Galadriel survived. Ruling Lothlorien, and marrying the Sindar Prince Celeborn, her daughter Celebrian married Elrond of Rivendell, and she played an active role in the War of the Rings. She herself was a ringbearer, and at the end of the Third Age, she departed Middle Earth from the Grey Havens, and returned to Eldamar. Her granddaughter Arwen, however, married Aragorn (“Strider”) and remained, the future rulers of Middle Earth arising from her.

The following is the extended family line of Finarfin. Names given in bold signify a violent death. Names in italics signify a peaceful death. If no formatting is applied the individual concerned either lives on, or their fate is unrecorded. House of Finarfin

Finwë m. 1. Queen Miriel 2. Queen Indis
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Fëanor     Fingolfin         Finarfin m. Ëarwen of Alqualondë
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Aegnor  Angrod     Orodreth    Finrod Felagund        Galadriel m. Celeborn
                                  m. Amarië                     |
                                                            Celebrían m. Elrond
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                 Arwen Evenstar m. Aragorn II       Elrohir              Elladan
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               Eldarion            (several daughters)