REXBURG - Uncertified models like F-70's from Honda
are collecting dust until manufactures certify there isn't any lead
paint in them. In the mean time there aren't any youth models out on
the Rexburg Motor Sports floor.
"Every salesman here has pages of customers waiting to purchase youth
bikes for this summer, and we just can't do it yet," said Mike Carlton,
a Rexburg Motor Sports Employee.
"It's a little frustrating, I probably talk to a family a day who wants
to buy youth machines and I can't sell it to them," said Dave Kynoc, a
salesman at Rexburg Motor Sports.
The law came into affect in February, which prevents any US company
from selling toys (including motor sports vehicles) from being sold to
children unless they certify there isn't lead paint in them.
Manufactures moved quickly to find ways around it. For instance, they
changed the age guidelines by a year, so that one particular model
reads no one 12 & under. It used to read 12 & up.
I asked, "Do you think there is lead paint in these items?"
Kynoc answered, "No there's not. If there was lead in them it would be in motor parts that children can't go to any ways."
Carlton answered, "If you're talking about a toothing ring for some
3-year-old, I don't want lead in that either. But something like this
is ridiculous... You don't see kids chewing on their bikes, so it's not
really an issue."
The sad irony of this entire situation is that most of the models that
are banned from sale currently, were certified by the Consumer Product
Safety Commission as safe for children.
If you're waiting to purchase an off-road vehicle for your child, the
wait may soon be over. Manufacturer's are working on certifying that
their "toys" don't have lead in them, and petitions to the government
to change the laws are being sent to congress.
If you want to take part in the petition, go to
This is a news article slightly modified from its original airing on an Idaho TV station. To view it, click: