Delicious dish from the Italian region of Abruzzia

This dish was recently featured on National Radio New Zealand's Nine to Noon programme and sounded absolutely delightful. I modified it slightly and indeed, it is something that will now be added to my list of favourite comfort foods.

Here we go, the list of ingredients for 4 hungry guests:

Do some general chopping and start heating up a big skillet with 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Add onions and garlic and soften both gently. Now turn up the heat and add the meat, stirring continously until the meat is browned. Now add ca. half a litre of white wine and stir vigourously to loosen the fond. Add two tablespoons of rubbed Rosemary. Let the sauce simmer slowly on low heat until all fluid has dissipated. In the meantime start heating the water for the noodles.

Now that the wine has all but gone, add the tomatoes to the melange, stir and let the sauce simmer for 15 minutes. Serve the sauce on top of the penne with a wine of your choice and parmesan to your liking.

Buon apettito!