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Constitution Act 1982 (idea)
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Fri Mar 10 2000 at 9:42:40
An entrenched component of the
Constitution of Canada
Part I: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Part II: Rights of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
Part III: Equalization and Regional Disparities
Part IV: Constitutional Conference
Part V: Procedure for Amending the Constitution of Canada
Part VI: Amendment to the Constitution Act, 1867
Part VII: General
Constitution of Canada
CA(1982): Amendment to the Constitution Act, 1867
CA(1982): General
Meech Lake Accord
CA(1982): Procedure for Amending the Constitution of Canada
CA(1982): Equalization and Regional Disparities
CA(1982): Rights of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
CA(1982): Constitutional Conference
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
1837 Upper Canada Rebellion
Charlottetown Accord
Social Credit
Jesus Seminar