Rancid_Pickle's write-up on
How to determine if an egg is
hard-boiled or uncooked, reminded me of a
story that is not related to any thing, but worth sharing.
My father-in-law has been working in the the grocery business for years. He and his family moved about a bit in years past as he went from grocery chain to grocery chain, but finally settled in the town of Orangebug, SC. He has had a number of positions with his current employer including grocery manager. The position entails ordering and stocking the shelves of the market including the dairy case.
When Charles would stock the eggs, he would occasionally find a carton with an egg or eggs that had been the victim of a
rough transport. Rather than trash the entire carton, Charles would replace the egg with one from the deli department in his store. This was ususally done early in the morning or late in the evening, since that was the most convenient time and had the least customer impact.
So one day, Charles doesn't get to restock the case at his usual time and is doing it in the middle of the day. He finds a carton with a damaged egg and proceeds back the deli to replace it. He is the middle of this action when one of the ladies who works back in the area gives him a strange look and asks what he is doing. He tells her and she begins to laugh. It seems that the deli staff takes their eggs and hard-boils them and then replaces them in the carton for use later, so Charles has been replacing damaged eggs with hard-boiled eggs for years.
I can't help but wonder at the reaction of the person who got an egg carton containing a boiled egg instead of a fresh one, when they tried to use it.