Well, I'm off to Montreal for 3 days in their local office. It's going to be quiet an experience, as my French language skills are, um, "ne bien pas". Thankfully, since I work for a pretty good team, they'll probably be very accommodating to me.
The toughest part will be leaving my fiancee behind. She's really upset about me leaving for 3 days, as we have never slept in separate cities (or beds, for that matter) since we moved in together in July 2000. Hopefully she won't try to call me when I'm at work, but even if she does I'll still like to hear her voice.
Another problem is that I'm going to be disconnected from my computer for 3 whole days. Oy! It's my primary source of entertainment, information and communication with my far-flung friends. My God, all those E2 votes are going to go to waste!
Hopefully I'll learn something really interesting when I'm in Montreal and I'll be able to add a writeup or two when I return.
Au revoir!