The story of Winnie the Pooh (I don't remember him owning any hyphens), caused Christopher Robin's real-life prototype, A.A. Milne's son, much distress in later life, since he was forever thereafter associated with the mewling sissy of the books. Later ages may have found grounds for a lawsuit.

This story was also one of the first popular books translated into Latin, by Alexander Lenard in 1960. I believe Mr. Lenard was intentionally trying to be difficult; the translation is not for children, and contains some of the most obscure and pedantic linguistic jokes I have ever read. (The phrase 'de apibus disputandum est' comes to mind).

The beginning is rather hilarious: just the mere thought of anyone torturing their child with 'Ecce Eduardus ursus scalis nunc tump-tump-tump occipite gradus pulsante post Christophorum Robinum descendens.'.