I am surprised there is not more written in here, because today is a day when the cliche of history in the making is totally true. In the United States, a nation-wide election for many offices, including President, is going on, and in some places the counting has already begin. The election won't actually wrap up until well into November 5th, 2008 server time, But I want to enter something here because this is the day, and the calm before the storm is also strong, after months and years of worrying and anger.
The numbers seem to be well in favor of the candidate I am supporting, Barack Obama, but I am stil nervous. After eight years of what feels like a suspension from reality, and a clique of Republicans getting away with so much, it is hard to believe if the reckoning really happened. I will feel better in an hour or two, when the results from Virginia come in. This election season has certainly fed my internet addiction, and today is driving that into high gear. google news currently shows McCain up on Obama 2,740 to 1,685, a fairly meaningless result since it comes from the first polls to close in Indiana and Kentucky.
I try to be non-partisan and reasonable, but the sports fan who has had their team disqualified too many times by bad calls is bubbling up on me. After this election is over, we will move on to the future. Right now, I must admit that part of me is seeking nothing so much as revenge.