Last night sucked so incredibly much. There was this coffeehouse at my school. It was odd. Basically, about 25 of my friends were all in differant bands, and I went with two of my other friends. Because they go to another school, they didn't know anybody there, so I hung out with them--I didn't wanna ditch my friends. Well, none of my other friends even said hi to me until we were leaving. And the music sucked. And seeing as I'm semi-grounded 'cause my parents are stupid and so is Religion class at a Catholic high school, I can only go out once per weekend, making this weekend a waste. Except for a report I have to do that'll count for 2 test grades. Wow, my life's sucking again.

Oh, and the girl who said that I was "her second favorite person in the world" was apparently lying. She basically blew me off and hung out with my ex-girlfriend. least E2 is here to console me (I think?). Maybe next weekend will be better....Probably not...