Tum demum Liscus oratione Caesaris adductus, quod antea tacuerat proponit:  Esse nonnullos, quorum auctoritas apud plebem plurmimum valeat, qui privatim plus possint quam ipsi magistratus.  Hos seditiosa atque improba oratione multitudinem deterrere, ne frumentum conferant, quod debeant:  praestare, si iam pricipatum Galliae obtinere non possint, Gallorum quam Romanorum imperia praeferre:  neque dubitare quin, si Helvetios superaverint Romani, una cum reliqua Gallia Aeduis libertatem sint erepturi.  Ab eisdem nostra consilia quaeque in castris gerantur hostibus enuntiari:  hos a se coerceri non posse.  Quin etiam, quod necessario rem coactus Caesari enuntiarit, intellegere sese quanto id cum periculo fecerit, et ob eam causam quam diu potuerit tacuisse.

Then, and not till then, the remarks of Caesar induced Liscus to reveal a fact concealed before.  There were, he said, certain persons, of paramount influence with the common folk, and of more power in their private capacity than the actual magistrates.  These persons, by seditious and insolent language, were intimidating the population against the collection of corn as required, on the plea that it was better for the Aedui, if they could not now enjoy the primacy of Gaul, to submit to the commands of Gauls rather than of Romans; for they did not doubt that, if the Romans overcame the Helvetii, they meant to deprive the Aedui of liberty, in common with the rest of Gaul.  These, again, were the men, who informed the enemy of the Roman plans and all the doings of the camp; nor had he power to restrain them.  Nay, more, he perceived with what risk he had acted in informing Caesar, under sheer force of necessity; and for that reason he had held his peace as long as he could.

Translation and notes by H.J. Edwards

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