The 21 letters of the Enochian Alphabet, in the order given 
by John Dee, with their gematric values and attributions:

Pe       B
Value: 90
Geomantic Sign: Puer = Aries

Veh      C/K
Value: 300
Element: Fire

Ged      G
Value: 8
Geomantic Sign: Populus = Cancer

Gal      D
Value: 4 (or 31)
Element: Spirit

Orth     F
Value: 3
Geomantic Sign: Cauda Draconis

Un       A
Value: 6
Geomantic Sign: Amissio = Taurus

Graph    E
Value: 10
Geomantic Sign: Conjunctio = Virgo

Tal      M
Value: 5
Geomantic Sign: Tristitia = Aquarius

Gon      I/J/Y
Value: 60
Geomantic Sign: Acquisitio = Sagittarius

Na-hath  H
Value: 1
Element: Air

Ur       L
Value: 8
Geomantic Sign: Via = Cancer

Mals     P
Value: 9
Geomantic Sign: Fortuna Major = Leo

Ger      Q
Value: 40
Element: Water

Drun     N
Value: 50
Geomantic Sign: Rubeus = Scorpio

Pal      X
Value: 400
Element: Earth

Med      O
Value: 30
Geomantic Sign: Puella = Libra

Don      R
Value: 100
Geomantic Sign: Laetitia = Pisces

Ceph     Z
Value: 9
Geomantic Sign: Fortuna Minor = Leo

Vau      U/V/W
Value: 70
Geomantic Sign: Carcer = Capricorn

Fam      S
Value: 7
Geomantic Sign: Albus = Gemini

Gisa     T
Value: 3
Geomantic Sign: Caput Draconis