CX debate generally goes by this timetable:

1st Affirmative Constructive- 8 minutes

Cross-examination of 1st Aff- 3 minutes

1st Negative Constructive- 8 minutes

Cross-examination of 1st Neg- 3 minutes

2nd Affirmative Constructive- 8 minutes

Cross-examination of 2nd Aff- 3 minutes

2nd Negative Constructive- 8 minutes

Cross-examination of 2nd Neg- 3 minutes

1st Negative Rebuttal- 5 minutes

1st Affirmative Rebuttal- 5 minutes

2nd Negative Rebuttal- 5 minutes

2nd Affirmative Rebuttal- 5 minutes

Debaters use the constructive speeches to build up their case and attack the other side. They use the rebuttals to explain to the judge why they should win, based on what has already been discussed. Like Foxy Penguin said, nothing is completely set in stone. However, there are a few "rules" CX debaters follow. In cross-examination, the cross-examiner may only ask questions, and no new evidence is allowed in the rebuttals (In general. There may be exceptions, although I haven't encountered them).

For an example of a policy debate plan, refer to 2001-2002 Debate Topic