"The War Against Boys" was written by a Ms. Christina Hoff Sommers. Sommers describes herself as a feminist who believes in equality for males and females in the eyes of the law. In "The War Against Boys," Sommers takes many "facts" by more radical and prominent feminists such as Carol Gilligan, and debunks them by doing the research.
One example is that of Women's Educational Equity Act (WEEA) director Katherine Hanson's claim that "Every year nearly four million women are beaten to death." According to Sommers, this quote is in reference to women in the U.S. Almost anyone who has done a small amount of research on annual death rates of women would laugh at hearing this, as the total death rate of women, in the entire U.S. from all causes combined is one million. And, according to the FBI, the total number of women murdered in one year (1996) is 3,631 (and "murder" does not necessarily mean "beaten to death"). Quite a ways away from 4 million!! Sommers also cites and debunks many other "facts" generated by anti-male propaganda machines (Note: I am NOT refering to all feminists!!). Considering the fact that Hanson directs a taxpayer-funded organization, whose aim is to "re-educate" America's public schools on healthy male/female relationships, all taxpayers should be concerned.
The scary thing is, these people DO have control over America's children. On May 24, 1999 the United States Supreme Court (5-4) ruled in favor of applying sexual harrassment laws to schoolchildren. How young is too young? Where do we draw the line? I don't believe that sexual misconduct, as with any misconduct, should go unpunished. But is it really the court's place to have that control over such a delicate and case-by-case matter? "The War Against Boys" cites several examples (most likely extreme cases) of how the ruling had an effect on America's children. Even if these are extreme cases, they are a possible outcome of the court's ruling.
In Chapter 2, "Reeducating the Nation's Boys," Sommers cites an example of the Wellesly Center's Gender Violence/Gender Justice "conciousness-raising exercises" designed to make boys aware of sexual abuse. (Keep in mind, Gender Violence/Gender Justice is a book supported by the U.S. Department of Education for use in America's public schools.) One of the exercises is to "Ask the students to close their eyes...Once they've closed their eyes, say 'Imagine that the woman you care about most (your mother, sister, daughter, girlfriend) is being raped, battered or sexually abused'...Give them at least 30 seconds to think about the scenario before asking them to open their eyes." Students are then asked to write down their feelings.
Keep in mind, these exercises are done in class, without parental permission and without even notifying parents. This causes a problem, as some caring parents would not want their sons thinking of their most loved female in such a victimizing, degrading way. Yet, this is an exercise encouraged by the Department of Education.