Julia Child said, "If you're afraid of butter, use cream." This recipe demonstrates what she meant, and it's an excellent meal to keep one warm during the winter months.
6 cups water
3 cups sliced leeks (both white parts and tender green parts)
3 cups peeled and roughly chopped baking potatoes
1-1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup heavy cream or half-n-half
1/2 cup sour cream or creme fraiche as optional garnish
Julia Child's Version:
Bring ingredients to the boil in a 3-quart saucepan. Cover partially and simmer 20 to 30 minutes, until vegetables are tender. Correct seasoning. Serve as is, or puree, and/or top each portion with a dollop of the cream.
Adapted from Julia’s Kitchen Wisdom: Essential Techniques and Recipes from a Lifetime of Cooking by Julia Child (2000).
Step-by-step Version:
1. Peel and chop potatoes into small cubes.
2. Cut the tougher green parts off the leeks. Cut the soft white parts in half and wash them. Cut off the roots, and chop what's left finely.
3. Add chopped leeks and potatoes to a big pot, then add the water and salt, and bring it all to a boil.
4. Reduce heat, cover the pot, and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. It's been long enough when the leeks and potatoes are tender.
5. *Optional!* Puree this mixture in a blender until it's smooth, then return it to the pot over lower heat. Do this if you like your soup creamy rather than chunky with vegetable bits.
6. Adjust seasonings to your taste, and add the 1/2 cup heavy cream or half-n-half if you want it included. Stir it in.
7. Serve hot with the sour cream or creme fraiche for garnish, along with chopped chives and parsley.
Iron Noder Challenge 2014, 28/30