Considered equivalent to Suadela (or Suada) for the ancient Romans, Peitho is the Greek goddess of persuasion, charm, seduction, and convincing rhetoric. She was regarded as Aphrodite's personal herald, in much the same fashion that Hermes served as a herald for Zeus. Nonnus even lists Peitho as the wife of Hermes.

Usually depicted carrying a ball of twine and accompanied by doves, Peitho's image on amphora pots tends to depict her as a being of dubious benevolence: for all the scenes where Peitho is shown raising her hand in support of an orator, she is found in as many instances fleeing the scene of a rape.

Greek authors have differing ideas regarding Peitho's origins; Hesiod considers her a daughter of Tethys and Okeanos. Sappho inconsistently describes Peitho as either Aphrodite's daughter, or as someone else's daughter who Aphrodite nursed in infancy. Hermesianax counts Peitho among the Graces, and Aeschylus says Peitho is the daughter of Ate, the goddess of error, delusion, and folly. Alcman names Peitho as a daughter of Prometheus, along with Tyche (fate) and Eunomia (competent governance of society).

Peitho had a temple for her worship at Sicyon, in the agora.

The word 'Peitho' is literally the Ancient Greek word for 'persuasion.' It was often used as an epithet for Aphrodite herself, rather than treated as a separate person.

Iron Noder 2018, 5/30