Hiring a surrogate to carry a child has been compared to selling an organ, such as a kidney. Monetarily, the surrogate mother, or carrier,has the possibility of benefiting from the pregnancy; paid surrogates, known as "wombs for rent," among reproductive technologists, can be paid as much as $20 thousand to carry someone else's child. Comparatively, people can sell blood, semen, bone marrow, or organs for profit. I believe that surrogacy is centered not on altruism as many surrogate agencies claim, but that it is a commercial endeavor.

Commercialism has two forms: profane and sacred. Profane products are those that are purely commercial, such as a motorcycle or groceries. Sacred products are human components, of which some believe the sale is ethical. The four sacred products are human blood, human organs, surrogate wombs, and human reproductive cells. If one sells these components, the sacred element is removed from science and the good it can do; thus, selling of sacred products attempts to place a commercial market value on the gift of life.