A.J Ayer wrote:

The person who is supposed to control the empirical world is not himself located in it; he is held to be superior to the empirical world, and so outside it; and he is endowed with super-empirical attributes. But the notion of a person whose essential attributes are non-empirical is not an intelligible notion at all. We may have a word which is used as if it named this "person," but unless the sentences in which it occurs express propositions that are empirically verifiable, it cannot be said to symbolize anything. And this is the case with regard to the word "god," in the usage in which it is intended to refer to a transcendent object.

A.J Ayer is credited with presenting Logical Empiricism and the Verification Principle in an influential way in England. He introduced the popular idea that philosophers should focus on linguistics and the definitions of statements in order to reach clear and perceivable truths.

"Verificationism, to put it quite pointedly, is a snare and a delusion." Dr. Michael Sudduth

This basically sums up the two opposite and conflicting views about Verificationism. Basically Theism and Anti-Theism. Some may slide Verificationism into the same catagory as falsificationism because both views have a very weak position - especially with Flew's example of the Gardener above.

For those who are completely lost, see: http://www.homestead.com/philofreligion/files/Verificationism.html