A variation of the card game Solitare.

Using one deck, take out any ace, two, three, and four. Arrange them in a column. Try to build up these sequences from the starting cards, regardless of suit:

	A |  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10  J  Q  K
	2 |  4  6  8 10  Q  A  3  5  7  9  J  K
	3 |  6  9  Q  2  5  8  J  A  4  7 10  K
	4 |  8  Q  3  7  J  2  6 10  A  5  9  K

Draw cards from the deck one at a time, placing each on either one of the four sequences or on top of any of the four wastepiles. You may place the top card and only the top card of any of these four wastepiles on top of any of the sequences if it fits the pattern, but not on another wastepile. You cannot redeal the cards.

A fairly good idea is to reserve one of the four wastepiles for any kings you draw, since they can only be played at the end of a sequence.