This is a delicious, yet somewhat complicated dish to make... it's good served with white rice and asparagus.

2 oz seedless raisins
1 jigger Madeira wine1
2 tsp Paprika
1 tsp white pepper2
1 Large chicken3
5 tsp oil
11 oz canned mandarin oranges
Clove of minced garlic4
½ cup beef bullion
1 tbsp cornstarch
1 tbsp soy sauce
½ tsp powdered ginger
½ cup heavy cream
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp sliced almonds

Soak raisins in Madeira.

Fry chicken with paprika and white pepper in oil in large skillet.

Drain oranges, reserve juice. Measure ½ cup juice5, pour over chicken. Add garlic. Pour in bullion and cover. Simmer 30 minutes. Drain wine from raisins6 and add to skillet. Cook 5 minutes.

Remove Chicken7. Blend cornstarch with water. Add to sauce. Stir until thickened and bubbly. Season with soy sauce and ginger. Add oranges and heavy cream. Heat through, do not boil.

Saute almonds in frying pan on medium heat until golden brown8.

Pour sauce over chicken9, and top with sauteed almonds.

1May be substituted by red grape juice.
2Black pepper may also be used.
3I like using about 1 lb. of chicken thighs instead of a whole chicken.
41/2 tsp of dried minced garlic also works.
5Or you can just use all the juice you drained out of the can.
6I believe it tastes better to add the wine to the sauce along with the raisins.
7Placing the chicken in a pretty dish would be the appropriate thing to do.
8Almonds will burn easily, so you may even want to remove them from the heat before they are actually done.
9Or, if this is not a formal dinner or something, you can just put the chicken back in the pan with the sauce.