An all-boy's private school located in Forest Hill, a neighbourhood in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Founded in 1829, it is generally regarded to be the oldest surviving single-sex school in Canada.

As of writing, Upper Canada College, or UCC as it's known to its students, is attended to students from 1st grade to 12th grade, or students ranging from 5 years old to 18 years old.

Among students and former students of the school, feelings about vary greatly. Some love attending UCC and feel a great deal of pride about it, while others consider the single-sex environment hell on earth.

Feelings about UCC usually become most polarized in the junior high years, as many of these pubescent students can no longer bear the lack of females at the school. Those that continue at UCC often find female companions at Bishop Strachan School, or BSS, a girls school located fairly close to UCC.